Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Still plodding along!

All is still well in London! I have been at my house for a couple of weeks now and i'm feeling at home. The job is going well and i'm getting to know the people a bit better. London night life is awsome as I've been trying to get out and about on the weekends. The biggest hurdle at the moment is trying to get my head around all the little intricate differences - they have a thing called 'chip and pin' over here which is their kind of new bank/credit card. Internet banking is still an undiscovered thing which is very strange. I need to find an easy and cheap was of transferring the money that I've earnt here to pay off my australian credit card... trying to battle with Paypal... fun times!
I went to a Westminster Evensong a couple of weeks ago - it was beautiful as i needed my music fix for the week! My artistic photo of westmister abbey...

English strangers can be friendly but only if you really push for it! It is my intention to change the whole London attitude.. so what was the population of london again???