Monday, May 21, 2007

A crazy trip to Germany

When booking my flights from Ibiza to Paris I stumbled across some cheap flights I couldn't resist so I decided to book a flight to Frankfurt for a day!!! So I took Marco with me and we flew across the channel to the mainland. After realising it would take too long to get the bus into Frankfurt we decided to hire a car. The cheapest option was an Opel (Holden) - which we didn't want! So the second cheapest was to get a Daihatsu Copen hard top convertible... which was pretty cute really! For specs click here.

Since we had a car we could go wherever we wanted, and luckily Marco knew how to drive on the right side of the road! So we drove to the Rhine and followed the coast up to Koblenz and looked at the beautiful countryside along the way, there were many castles and a really cool bridge that is probably famous!

Lunch was much cheaper than in England which was a nice relief! We looked at a few shops then headed south towards Cocham where we stopped for a nice walk and a beer. The beer in that country was amazing!! I do love German wheat beer. For some reason all the beer went down so easily that day! Lucky I wasn't driving!

Being careful of time we headed back through Traben-Trabach almost getting lost and having to ask a local for directions to the airport!! For a full trip route see here. But it did take ages to get out of the airport when arriving back to Stansted, I realised why people don't generally go to a country for just one day!!! But I did have some good luck though and got my full visa back in my passport for no cost at all... yay!!

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