Marco and I drove south to the Channel is hideous peak hour traffic stressed we wouldn't make the ferry in time but fortunately we actually caught the previous ferry! However this still meant we had a long way to go to Weert where my first stop was. We drove along the coast on the E40, then the E17 when I genuinly asked "what country are we in now??" it turned out we were in Belgium! We arrived in Weert at 3.30am.
The next beautiful sunny morning I headed north all the way across Holland to Groningen to visit Anja (an old colleague of mine in Melbourne). It was a four hour journey but my music made it very enjoyable indeed! When I arrived the German flower markets were just finishing up in Groningen and we had a bit of a walk around and I had my first Dutch Hoegaarden! And I learnt the most important phrase in Holland - Een Hoegaarden alstublieft!
The label is actually different to UK and Australian labels which I thought was interesting. After a lovely home cooked meal we went out that night and saw some bars and nightlife in Groningen and then to a renowned 'coffee shop' and bought some 'coffee'! I aslo discovered Wieckse Witte which I have labelled as the second best beer in the world so far, very refreshing!
Sunday the plan was to head back to Weert because we were flying back together so I visited him anyway and we went for some dinner at a Napoleon themed restaurant that was most interesting! It was an open grill and you helped yourself to food. After that we drive to Belgium illegally (as I had no passport!) and had some Belgium blonde beers that I hadn't tried before; Caney Blonde Grimbergen Blonde and Kovenwolf Witbier. So many blonde beers!!! :) I also had a Bier of Gist - Witte Trappist in Groningen which was nice too! That day Marco also bravely let me drive his car for a while on the right hand side of the road a - I was stoked!! It was a lot easier than I had expected. As a result I now have exciting plans to go driving in Europe in a peugeot before heading back home :)
Monday I headed back west to Wijsrijk to meet Anja and her family and then back to Haarlem for a relaxing day after much previous excitement and stress! And now it is Tuesday and I am sitting in the embassy waiting for my passport which I'm told is coming very soon as they had problems with my name because I changed it. Silly me, who would have thought I'd have problems 18 years later sitting the Dutch Australian embassy!! Anyway I'll book my flight now and hopefully be back in my lovely bed tonight with any luck as my passport still isn't in my hand yet!!
* * *
Cool things I found while in Holland... A semi-permanent survey marker -
What a weekend it was, could you finally relax at work today? Glad to hear you arrived home safely last night.. see ya soon! Groetjes Anja
im sorry ,hoegaarden beer is a belgium beer
Yes it is... but it's still the best beer in the Netherlands!
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Hello. Great job. I did not expect this on a Wednesday. This is a great story. Thanks!
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