Wednesday, May 23, 2007


Maybe I'm not the geek I thought I was... or maybe it's not actually geeky... who knows? But it's fun!

1 h4d n0 1d34 7h15 4c7u4y h4d 4 n4m3.


Jennifer said...

Please, leet-speak is like, the geekiest thing EVER!

Unknown said...

hi! andrea here...

it's exam time and i'm procrastinating so i thought i'd give you a G'DAY!! :p
sounds like you're having fun over there!
well, back to study... :(

PS invu4uraqtπ! yeah! it's not quite "1337" but it's the only phrase i know that looks like it...

Anonymous said...

You obviously haven't been hanging around your big bro long enough then. :-p

Besides, 1337 is so last millennium.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and welcome to the new :-)