Friday, June 08, 2007


vegans beware!!! spain is not vegan friendly...


Jennifer said...

That kind of sucks :(

However I have just received my copy of "Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World" in the mail, so when you're back in Australia I can compensate with cupcakes!!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they may be behind the times, then! A few days ago a report was leaked out of the British Government department of Environment and Sustainability saying that the UK population needs to be directed towards a vegan diet to have a significant impact on climate change. It hit the news all over the world. Now governments everywhere are looking at their own eating habits and its effect on the environment. New Zealand has said that its farm animals produce 90% of their greenhouse gas emissions so they will be looking at that as well. Spain had better pull their socks up or get left behind. Organic products manufacturer Plamil has said that just "organic" is no longer going to sell - as part of an announcement that all their factories are now completely self-sufficient. They said vegan and vegetarian diets are now key requirements for selling product. :-)